Thursday, May 03, 2007

Have U ever?

  1. Leaped from a tall building?: Umm im hear right?
  2. Worn your clothes backwords?: Not that I remember, but who really knows.
  3. Died your hair blue?: Not even if they payed me.(well depends on how much)
  4. Danced the funky Chicken?: Who hasnt?
  5. Danced in puddles?: Maybe when I was little, ok ok I was 16 and really hyper.. lol
  6. Walked into something in front of someone?: Umm a pole. in front of my best friend. soo embarrassing.
  7. Been to Europe?: Yes, Paris France.
  8. Watched a Mary Kate n Ashley movie/tv show?: Maybe.
  9. Warn two different coulored socks to work?: Hee hee yeah.. too funny.. red and blue.
  10. Shot a jelly bean out your nose?: eeww.. no, but ive watched it being done.
  11. Asked a guy out?: Yes, but from excperience waite.
  12. Been stoked by a spider?: yes.. but I got a restrainging
  13. Sang in public?: Yeah, like waay long time ago, no autographs please
  14. Had a full house marathon?: u bet.. heheh
  15. Stayed up all night talking with a girlfriend?: Yes. back in the day..
  16. Painted a picture?: Yeah when I was like 12.. no tallent.. just fun
  17. Gotten someone else to take that picture of that cute guy, so you dont look like a complete idiot?: Yeah summer camp, like a when I was 14 or something
  18. Eaten snails?: U bet. plug your nose, and close your eyes, down the hatch, it tasted like chicken.
  19. Bought something with a friend that you still have,like a charm braclette, neclace, ect?: u betcha by golly. a neclace. sniff
  20. Walked barefoot, when its really hot out?: When I was like 7..not fun.
  21. Been given roses?: Yes.. by my sis and well a guy


joni said...

your NEW post made my morning!!!!
whot whoot!!!..
A restraining order?!! haha good one..
Hey who you tagging? of course me right? hehe

Gregory said...

Barb, you might not have shot a jelly bean out of your nose but I did see you stuff a pea up there once! One of the funniest things I have ever seen watching Dori overreact picking at your nose thinking you were going to die from pea poisoning of the nose.

joni said...

hahaha thats right