Thursday, May 31, 2007

(above) Lindsy and Lisa, smiling for the camera. (below) Mountain somewhere bfr Jasper. we all posed.. hehe
Take a look at these amaizingly huge chairs. they made chris look like a little person. hehe
Thats Rexall place. about 16 thousand kids and youth leaders were all gathered worshiping God all together. it was awesome.
This pic is of Delirouse?, you cant really see them, but isnt the picture kewl?, I mean we were up in the nose bleed section, so it was hard to get any good pics. I was sooo amiazed to be there, listening to them. they are awesome live.
Some more pics to come.. no worries. couldnt fit them all on this page.. ttfn

1 comment:

joni said...

what a surprise!! fUn times!!