Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hear are some things that have been on my mind latley.. you dont have to read, im just getting it out..

I Dislike
  1. Ppl dont take me serously, because im blond, seem younger than I look, or because im female.
  2. Guys think there GODS GIFT
  3. Old men who think im a piece of meat. (espessaily the ones who seem to think ill date them) (like eeeew)
  4. that highly iritating song, by Auqa, "Barbie girl".
  5. Snow.. wont it go away?
  6. Sick, lame jokes, that certain ppl (who shall remain namless) tell me because they think its funny.
  7. walking on ice, and juggling coffee.. and spilling it al over my hand..ouch
  8. being alone..(but only sometimes)
  9. That "old" saying.. "theres other fish in the sea"
  10. My Job,(says it all)
  11. Being asked "do you have a boyfreind yet?".. ( can I fish slap you?)
  12. Stupid ppl
  13. When my co-worker yells at me in that highly anoying voice, and wont shut up till ive almost half yelled YES WHAT DO YOU WANT!, back. even if im busy and cant help her right away.
  14. Music that sounds like the lead singer has something cought in his/her throte and cant get it out unless they scream really loud.
  15. That old guy comes into work and says.."my girfreind is egnoring me"..(hes refurring to me) GRRRRRR ..weres that fish?


Jenny said...

Oh shoot, I think I uttered number nine the other day....just slap me...I can handle it!

Brown Eyed Girl said...

its ok jenny.. i wasnt anoyed when you said it.. seriously. I know you were only trying to help.. its all good. happy valentines day..

joni said...

hahaha good rant Barbie.. dont hold back get a fish... haha

jk.. haha i think i must be on that list as well.. no worries.. sisters often are! *smile*