Sunday, June 03, 2007

Hello all. I do realize this is totally not like me. I usaully take like a month or 2 to update my blog, well SURPRISE lol. shocked yet? u should be. hehehe
Anyway, since I posted all those pics, I thought I would write a bit about my excpierence at YC. It was AWESOME. totally blew me away. I had never been to something with that many ppl bfr. all 16 thousand of them. it made YQ look reeeal smal. (Youth Quake in Sask if you are wondering at all). I gotta say my highlight was Delirouse?. they are sooo good live. I was in complete shock that I had the privalege of watching them live. Although I loooved Hillsong United, almost as much. they have such a way of worshiping that makes me wanna like dance and be completely crazy bfr God. Other faveorites would include: The David Crowder band, skillit, The Afters, Lincoin Brewster, and geting to hear from the youth pastor of the Hillsong church, Phil Dooley. He was an amaizing speaker. really spoke to my heart about being the person God made me to be, and not being afraid to let ppl know about that side of me. The trip there was great, we slept in a church in P.G. the first night, and let me tell you that floor was haarrd. my Back still hasnt forgiven me..but getting to know the girls that night, was something ill never forget. ( umm roz walked into the mens room that night and I dont know why I laughed soo hard, but it just struck me soo funny, thats soo something I would do.. hehe ) The nights we were in Edmonton, we slept in a hotel,(thank goodness) I got some really energetic girls in my room with me, hehe lets just say at like 2:30 am when I really wanted to sleep, these girls were dancing and singing shaniah's song "man I feel like a women" ...(we had just got back from the concert, we were all a little tierd and wired) they were really greatful that I was in there room.. aww shucks. Anyway we did go to the mall. I swear its grown since the last time I was there. its crazy insane, but it was fun. mostly just followed the girls around, bought a cute pair of shoes..(BIG suprise right?) there zebra print.. lol I looove them. and I bought a cute blouse. black and white with poka dots.. are we seing a trend? anyway I had an awesome time in edmonton, and traveling was long, but fun. who knew. but on the way home, there was this horrible mud slide that was aparently in the same spot it slid last year, its over 75 feet deep, and 200 ft long.. wow. anway that made our trip back a weee bit longer.. only 3 hours more, cuz we had to take the cranberry. crazy road. but we made it. the kids were glad to be home, as were us leaders. all in all it was a great time. I hope to go again next year. anyway nuff said. its 10 after 10. gotta head. love ya all. till next time.. umm we will see how long it will take me to update again. lol later all.

1 comment:

joni said...

HAPPY Birthday BARBIE!!!! we love you!!! I wish you could have had the whole blessed day off today,,just doing what we love, and the pampering stuff!!! Wednesday should be fUn... we'll do some of that then. I am so glad you are my little sister. blessings on you ..