Monday, April 28, 2008

As you have already guessed by the title, yes these are some of my weirder purses. I got these ones when I traveld to Paris,(France) and stayed with my brother. His girlfrieand at the time gave me a whole wack of stuff including theses two purses.. the one that looks like a tube of paint, caused a bit of questions when I was going thru security at the airport in Montreal. hehe the security guy like tried to unscrew the "lid" hehe he didnt see the zipper on the other
This one is my favorite color.. and remindes me of lego for some reason. (hmm wouldnt know why??) LOL when I got this one I packed it around Paris and got alot of compliments.. hehe. I still use it every now and than to see ppls reactions.. the Tube of paint is always good for entertainment
This one isnt weird, but its shiny.. and I got it for less than 10 $$.. whoo hoo.. always get excited when I get a deal.. hehe. its acually my first clutch.. crazy hey..
This one isnt a purse at all..well a useable one anyway . its acaully a light. (night light). in the shape of one. so I figured it should get honerable mention. (in the wierd catogorey) hehe and believe it or not I didnt buy it.. it was a gift.. lol I would never geuss why?? lol anway more to come.. well not wierd pures but prob more pureses.. who knows.. this could take a while. since there are at least, 27 of them.. I know CRAZY.. but thats me.. later yall..


Roberta said...

Hey Barb.. So sorry to hear about your Grandfather :( Please don't hesitate to call me, even if you just need to talk!! All my love to you and your family during your time of sorrow..

Love Roberta

joni said...

Barbie .. good post on purses.. i look forward to seeing more.

Roberta.. thank you. Your sympathy has been noted over these last days.
Today the skies look a little brighter... at least bluer ..