Saturday, February 24, 2007

Well, i guess i could call it "im soo vain", but its all about the ear rings.. they are soo kewl. i dont look half bad in that pic either.. I think. I usaully hate being photographed, but not sooo much any more. ive had dreams of being a model, or someone with les curves, but God made me who iam and iam not going to complaine and say he made some sort of mistake. I just got my eye brows done, in this pic. I love it when i can do that. it builds up my confidence. although today someone said that aperantly I look tooo young to drive..ha ha on them. if they only knew. it made mee smile,, and think that maybe its how I dress that makes them think that.. or maybe ive been watching too much TLC's "What not to wear". who knows. anyway daalings, my laundry is calling.. chow


joni said...

just so you know ...i love it when you up-date your blog!!! love it.

Stephanie said...

I think I need to go on that show.

joni said...

Barbie ..i think steph and i should think up 'something' that if you dont updat your blog we get to make you do the 'something'...
humm what do you think shephanie??

Stephanie said...

Ok, that sounds like a good idea. How about we say something emarassing about her every few days. Actually I can't really think of anything embarassing but your her sister, you must know a few things.

joni said...

yeah that could be kinda hard...embarassing oh i am sure i could think up a few things...she did have a thing with the hulk when she was little....